Some Trading Manipulation Techniques

Post Date: 16.07.2024

Exploring Trading Manipulation Techniques

Curious about different trading manipulation techniques? Here’s a brief overview:


Placing deceptive orders to give a false impression of market demand or supply, then canceling them before they are executed.


Creating several false orders at different price points to confuse traders and manipulate the market.

Front Running

Trading based on prior knowledge of pending orders to profit from the expected price movements caused by those orders.

Insider Trading

Illegally buying or selling securities based on confidential information about a company.

Wash Trading

Simultaneously buying and selling the same security to generate fake trading volume and influence prices.

Marking the Open, Close, Fix

Manipulating the opening, closing, or reference prices of securities or commodities by placing strategic orders.

Pump and Dump

Artificially inflating a security’s price through promotion, then selling it at the inflated price to unsuspecting investors.


Excessively buying and selling securities in a client’s account to generate commissions, without benefiting the client.

Painting the Tape

Collaborating with others to trade among themselves to create the appearance of high trading activity, thereby influencing market sentiment.

Bear Raid

Intentionally driving down a security’s price by selling large quantities short and often spreading negative rumors.

Cornering the Market

Amassing a dominant position in a security or commodity to manipulate prices and control supply.


Creating conditions that force short sellers to repurchase shares, causing a rapid price increase.

Falsifying Financial Statements

Providing inaccurate or misleading financial information to influence investor perceptions.